Friday, June 24, 2011

Internet: Facebook: Miscrits World Of Adventure


Like pokemon? If you do, be sure to play this cool game! It is highly rated a 4.9/5 by 59208 people (Based on 25/6/2011)! With 1,345,812 people (Based on 25/6/2011) playing, this game should not be missed!

I regretted not introducing this perfect game to you all earlier. I spent a lot of time on this game than many others! Farmville, Pet Society...none of them can actually compare this fun-filled game!

Basically, you start off with one miscrit, either Prawnja, Flowerpillar or Flue. Next, you wil recieve a Miscrits Lore Miscripedia Book. After the tutorial by the Forest Guard, you are on your own to capture new miscrits.

In Sunfall Village they provide such places for you:

Battle Arena, Training Arena, Wishing Well, Item Shop, Gift Shop, Magic Shop, Healing Chapel, Scholar Post, Resting House, Miscrits Collector Mansion.

Also, Sunfall Village allows access to: Mount Gemma, Miscrian Forest Volcano Island and Sunfall Shores.
Now, let me introduce you into the function of these places

~Battle Arena
This place allows you to battle with another person who is also online on miscrits. More experience points will be awarded than battling in the wild. The computer pairs your miscrits by putting you with a person with the same level as your best miscrit.

Eg. My best miscrit is lvl 7 Eggy. I will then get paired up with another person who has his/hers best miscrit with the same level, so if their best miscirit is lvl 7 Thundercracker, I will get paired up with them.

If the computer could not find an opponent for you, they will arrange a computerised team of miscrits to battle with you.
You could win prizes for the more battles you win.

~Training Arena
Here, you could train your miscrits to a higher level. There are 2 types of training, Basic and Expert. Basic training trains your miscrits and give them better skills. Expert training add one more point added to your miscrits.

To train, you would need training points. You could either get them from the Wishing Well or when you level up.

~Wishing Well
Every 4 hours, you could wish a wish in the Wishing Well. It might grant you 450 gold, 1 TP (Training Points), 2 TP, 3 TP or 4 TP.

~Item Shop, Gift Shop, Magic Shop
You can buy potions in the Item Shop using gold.
You can buy outfits and rare miscrits in the Gem Shop using gems. Gems could only be gifted by your friends.
You can buy Magical Attacks in the Magic Shop using FB ( Facebook Credits ). Magical attacks could be won in arena too. Magical attacks inflict more damage than normal attacks.

~Healing Chapel
When your miscrits loses health or when you need more captures, you need to visit the chapel to heal your miscrits. You could heal for free every once an hour.

~Scholar Post
You could get information form the Scholar about Elementums.

~Resting House
Your captured miscrits will stay in your house. Also you can change your miscrits team.

~Miscrits Collector Mansion
You can recieve quests from the Miscrits Collector. You can only recieve 3 quests a day.

For more information, you could also visit the Town Greeter on the benches of the Wishing Well.

~~~Miscrian Forest~~~

There are three elemental types of miscrits in the Forest. Water, Fire and Nature.

~~~Mount Gemma~~~

There are also three elemental types of miscrits in Mount Gemma. Rock, Wind and Lightning.

~~~Sunfall Shores/Volcano Island~~~

There are all types of miscrits there. Including Water, Fire, Nature, Wind, Earth and Lightning.

For more information:

Visit the Official Miscrits Website

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