Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sierra Games: Caesar 3

Okay, this game is more for those who enjoy strategic game because this game is a building game. Not lame, but very much interesting. You are a person elected to govern your city. Each round or level completed will grant you a new city to care about and an increase in rank. Caesar shall be your "instructor"; he will pay you a certain amount of Desarii depending on your rank.

Now, before you say that this is easy, let me tell you first hand; it is not. To govern a city, you have to build houses, provide food, water and needs for the people. Plus, you have to trade with others as you only have a limited amount of Desarii to spend on your city. Not only that, there will be gods who may benefit you. However, if you do not take them seriously, they may be the cause of the fall of your city. Let me briefly tell you their names; Ceres, god of farming, Neptune, god of the seas, Mercury, god of commerce, Mars, god of war and last but not least, Venus, the god of happiness. All are as important.

There are wars in this game. You can train soldiers from a barracks. Build forts to receive them. forts need not road assess, so you can practically build them everywhere in your province. This building's cause desirability is very poor, so don't try building them near houses. There are 3 types of soldiers, Legionaries, the heavy armoured soldier, Javelins, basic soldiers which throw javelins, and lastly Mounted, which is soldiers mounted on horses. Occasionally, Caesar may ask you to dispatch soldiers to help fight for the empire. If you win, you will receive materials to build the magnificent Triumph Arch. It improves your neighbourhood's desirability by a lot.

You can build a lot of things which ranges from the Hippodrome to the Senate. There are two types of normal civilians, Plebians and Patricians. Plebians are normal people who work. Patricians, however, does not work and lives only in villas.

Housing is an important part to your city. housing can be upgraded into better houses if it is exposed to more facilities. Basic houses only needs food and water to live, but these house deeply affect the desirability of the neighbourhood. A tip from me, if these houses stopped your other houses from upgrading, it is better to clear them as fast as you can. When it stopped upgrading, less people can move to there.

Okay, I said a lot about this and that, but I did not go further on desirability which I kept talking about. Desirability is mainly about how beautiful or comfortable your neighbourhood is. If you build things like fountain instead of wells, it will lighten the desirability of your neighbourhood.

Two important things or structure I forgotten to say about are the Prefecture's and the Engineer's. The Prefecture's send prefects to patrol around the village. It is not only police, but it is also a firefighter. The Engineer's also sends people out,but they are engineers who inspect houses and repair it in time if it is faulty.

I LOVE this game and I hope that if you played it, you have the same feeling as me. This is the game which made me so interested that every week I played with it!

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