Friday, December 3, 2010

Internet: Tribal Wars

Finding some strategic games? No need now! This game is going to crack your brains with strategic tactics of how to control your city and take over others. Great game; I guarentee you.


First, you start out with a typical city with a Headquaters, Clay Pit, Timber camp and an Iron Mine. The Headquaters allows you to build or upgrade your buildings while the other three buildings ( Clay Pit , Timber Camp and Iron Mine) gives you resources which is needed in upgrading buidings and training soldiers.


The building of a barrack is one of the most important things you have to do before developing your city further. The barrack allows you to recruit your army. Some worlds allow building of statue, a place where you could recruit a paladin.

These two are the important tips. For other info, pls mail it to me in Tribal Wars. My name is radquadssjk. Next thing is, enjoy the game!


Tell me about your feelings here and how this blog helped you. If you need help, just simply comment. If you have suggestions, send it in via comments!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Internet: Poptropica

Poptropica is an multiplayer game for all ages. It tests your mystery-solving skills and history knowledge. This game is, frankly speaking, HARD! However, it is sure to provide you with hours of fun!

Poptropica is made by Jeff Kinney, the author of the award-winning book titled "Diary of the Wimpy Kid". This game is also educational as it teaches you history along the way. Credits are used for buying clothes and equipments for your character. You earn 100 credits everytime you complete an island. Each island has a mystery. Enjoy!

The website is provided here:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Internet: Club Penguin

Great game. Cool and interesting. And is that all? Of course not! This is a fun and enjoyable game which old and young could play! You can be a free member, or a "real"member which costs about $6.95 a month and so on.

In this multiplayer game, you are a penguin wandering around the island. Explore and discover new items and shop in the catalouge. Dance in the disco or simply relax in the coffee shop. Play a snowball fight with friends on Snow forts.

There's a lot more to say, but I want you to explore it!

Facebook Games: Casual Collective: Backyard Monsters

Ok, this is one game you would not want to miss. If you are old enough for facebook or you have an account on facebook, try this and your shall find yourself playing it all day and night. At least that is what happened to me...

Bloody? Yes it is but if you want to be peaceful, of course, why not? Build your "backyard" and make it the strongest of all. Not too much description, maybe because i'm playing it now?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Y8 Games: BoxHead

This is bloody. Just telling before i start, this contains violence and it is scary. However, if you think that you can overcome your fears, this game is not bad too. It allows you to kill people with guns and stuffs like that. If you are releasing stress, it could also be cool, too. Of course, you could upgrade your guns and so on.

Nothing much to say about this, but I usually had fun playing these games. After a while,you might feel bored. Quit the game and play next time, that's what I do most of the times.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

World of Goo Trailer/ 2D Boy: World of Goo

Before I start , I have to tell you that this is a good and cool game. It is practically about the levels which you use goo to play. All rounds have a goal of its own. This strategic game needs a very smart mind to win it. You have to balance goo, build with goo and even protect something with goo. As what I played was just a Demo, I cannot tell you too much facts on this. All I know for the 6 hours I played, it was fun. Here is a trailer of it.

Sierra Games: Caesar 3

Okay, this game is more for those who enjoy strategic game because this game is a building game. Not lame, but very much interesting. You are a person elected to govern your city. Each round or level completed will grant you a new city to care about and an increase in rank. Caesar shall be your "instructor"; he will pay you a certain amount of Desarii depending on your rank.

Now, before you say that this is easy, let me tell you first hand; it is not. To govern a city, you have to build houses, provide food, water and needs for the people. Plus, you have to trade with others as you only have a limited amount of Desarii to spend on your city. Not only that, there will be gods who may benefit you. However, if you do not take them seriously, they may be the cause of the fall of your city. Let me briefly tell you their names; Ceres, god of farming, Neptune, god of the seas, Mercury, god of commerce, Mars, god of war and last but not least, Venus, the god of happiness. All are as important.

There are wars in this game. You can train soldiers from a barracks. Build forts to receive them. forts need not road assess, so you can practically build them everywhere in your province. This building's cause desirability is very poor, so don't try building them near houses. There are 3 types of soldiers, Legionaries, the heavy armoured soldier, Javelins, basic soldiers which throw javelins, and lastly Mounted, which is soldiers mounted on horses. Occasionally, Caesar may ask you to dispatch soldiers to help fight for the empire. If you win, you will receive materials to build the magnificent Triumph Arch. It improves your neighbourhood's desirability by a lot.

You can build a lot of things which ranges from the Hippodrome to the Senate. There are two types of normal civilians, Plebians and Patricians. Plebians are normal people who work. Patricians, however, does not work and lives only in villas.

Housing is an important part to your city. housing can be upgraded into better houses if it is exposed to more facilities. Basic houses only needs food and water to live, but these house deeply affect the desirability of the neighbourhood. A tip from me, if these houses stopped your other houses from upgrading, it is better to clear them as fast as you can. When it stopped upgrading, less people can move to there.

Okay, I said a lot about this and that, but I did not go further on desirability which I kept talking about. Desirability is mainly about how beautiful or comfortable your neighbourhood is. If you build things like fountain instead of wells, it will lighten the desirability of your neighbourhood.

Two important things or structure I forgotten to say about are the Prefecture's and the Engineer's. The Prefecture's send prefects to patrol around the village. It is not only police, but it is also a firefighter. The Engineer's also sends people out,but they are engineers who inspect houses and repair it in time if it is faulty.

I LOVE this game and I hope that if you played it, you have the same feeling as me. This is the game which made me so interested that every week I played with it!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Y8 Games: Feudalism II

This game is almost the same concept as the Feudalism 1, but it's map, money and some other stuff have changed. The land is divided into empires, not states, and its money became much much smaller.

Even though it is much "improved", I would prefer Feudalism 1 as it is much easier to play with and the concept was much simpler. 4.5 stars for this, less than Feudalism 1 which scored 4.75. If you want to try it out, it is here, and always too.

Despite these understandable "mistakes", Iwould still highly recommend this game to people who are trying to get over a boring weekend. This still makes a perfect playtime.

Y8 Games: Feudalism

This is a game based on wars around the Middle Ages. You are the leader of your land. You can train army, conquer the neigbouring lands and even sail on boats! As a person who loved games, I decided to try on it, and it was a whole lot of fun! I love the fact that it shows your army fighting and you can control them.

Choose from a bunch of leaders and conquer other's land. Earn money from passing important documents across states. But beware, there might be rouges trying to attack you! If you want to try it out, there is the game here on this website!

I highly recommend this to you as it is not too violent and not much blood scence is showed. A perfect game for all ages!

Popcap Games: Insaniquarium Deluxe

Insaniquarium deluxe is the game which set me staring at the computer for long hours. The game is roughly about fishes, where you keep them and fend off aliens who try to eat them. In each level, you have to collect 3 pieces of an egg and finish the level. After each round, you will receive a pet which have abilities to help you out in your game. You can choose up to 3 pets to help you each round.

This game contains four different game modes: Adventure, Time Trial, Challenge and Virtual Tank. Adventure mode is filled with excitement when you see yourself advancing through levels and getting more and more pets to help you. Time Trial, however, is very much different. It have a time limit for you to play and you have to earn as much money as you can. After the round, you will get a certain amount of shells, which is the currency of the Virtual Tank. The Challenge mode is a BIG challenge. You have to complete the whole Adventure mode to play this mode. Plus, the prices of the items keep increasing, making it so hard for you to buy anything for the round. Now, my favourite, is the Virtual Tank mode. Use the shells you earn from the other modes to buy fishes for your tank. The fishes inside the tank will not die of hunger or being eaten. It is a relaxing tank for you to feed and care for.

I highly recommend this game as it provide fun for the whole family for hours! It is an magnificent and splendid game that I am sure you would love!