Saturday, July 9, 2011

Desktop: PC Games: Safari: Snowy Lunch Rush

Snowy needs your help to win the competition! Help him serve his customers with dishes made by Snowy's friend, Browny!

This fantastic game is fun-filled and great for all walks of life! Be fast on your fingers!

Instrustions goes like this. You would need to open your shop and drag customers from the queue to tables. Take their orders. Bring them to browny and let him cook in a hassle! Bring the scrumptious food to the customers and let them eat happily! Collect their plates and earn money!

~Colour Combo
The delightful colours of the customers' shirts will be "printed" on the seat when he/she leaves. The next person sitting on the chair, if were to be the same colour as the seat, would be more happy and pay more!

Eg: If a person wearing red sits on a chair, the seat will be "printed" with red. If the next person who sits on the chair has shirt with red, the person will be more happy and pay more money!

Different customers have different patience time. The higher the patience time, the more time it can wait for you and will eat longer.

They are most patient and take the longest time to eat.

They are the second most patient and take moderate time to eat.

They are a group of people who are quite impatient, but eat fast.

They are very much impatient....but they eat as fast as a lightning.

At last, enjoy serving plates of splendid dishes with a whip-whop! Enjoy!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

PC Games: Angry Birds

The bird's eggs are all taken away by the green pigs! Help them to defeat the pigs and get their eggs back!

I am sure that almost everyone had played Angry Birds on either Ipad or Iphone. It is just fun. Plain fun. On the PC you would need to buy it for $4.95.

Now, how do you play it? Simple. There are 7 types of birds. Let me introduce them to you.

~Red Bird
This bird is just a typical bird. Nothing special.

~Big Red Bird
This bird is bigger than the Red Bird, but that's all.

~Triangle Yellow Bird
This bird can boost its speed in mid-air when you click it.

~Mini Blue Bird
This bird can transform into three birds in mid-air when you click it.

~Black Ninja Bird
This bird is like a suicide bomber. Click to burst it. If you let it destroy the buildings it will burst up itself in a certain amount of time.

~White Bird
This bird can drop a terrifying egg bomb when you click it in mid-air.

~Green Awkward-Shape Bird
This bird acts like a boomerang. Click in mid-air to make it come back.

Each bird travels in a arch angle. Try mastering it yourself!!!