Thursday, November 18, 2010

Internet: Poptropica

Poptropica is an multiplayer game for all ages. It tests your mystery-solving skills and history knowledge. This game is, frankly speaking, HARD! However, it is sure to provide you with hours of fun!

Poptropica is made by Jeff Kinney, the author of the award-winning book titled "Diary of the Wimpy Kid". This game is also educational as it teaches you history along the way. Credits are used for buying clothes and equipments for your character. You earn 100 credits everytime you complete an island. Each island has a mystery. Enjoy!

The website is provided here:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Internet: Club Penguin

Great game. Cool and interesting. And is that all? Of course not! This is a fun and enjoyable game which old and young could play! You can be a free member, or a "real"member which costs about $6.95 a month and so on.

In this multiplayer game, you are a penguin wandering around the island. Explore and discover new items and shop in the catalouge. Dance in the disco or simply relax in the coffee shop. Play a snowball fight with friends on Snow forts.

There's a lot more to say, but I want you to explore it!

Facebook Games: Casual Collective: Backyard Monsters

Ok, this is one game you would not want to miss. If you are old enough for facebook or you have an account on facebook, try this and your shall find yourself playing it all day and night. At least that is what happened to me...

Bloody? Yes it is but if you want to be peaceful, of course, why not? Build your "backyard" and make it the strongest of all. Not too much description, maybe because i'm playing it now?